
Product image building, the soul of marketing

2024-09-24T13:06:47+04:00September 24th, 2024|Commerce, Economy|

By Mubarak Sooltangos There are different ways of promoting the sale of a product. A great proportion of market leader products sell more than their competitors because they have a price advantage when compared with similar products on the market. Others sell on the basis of their quality, the scope of their usage, their [...]

L’élaboration d’une stratégie d’entreprise

2024-04-23T14:37:16+04:00April 23rd, 2024|Commerce|

Par Mubarak Sooltangos Au prime abord, il s’agit de bien comprendre la différence entre trois concepts et processus, à savoir l’élaboration d’une vision, d’une stratégie et d’un Business Plan. Chacun a sa portée et ses objectifs, différents dans leur nature, dont les échéances respectives sont aussi différentes et définies dans le temps. Ils sont [...]

What makes an exceptional CEO?

2023-09-19T09:18:00+04:00September 18th, 2023|Commerce, Finance|

By Mubarak Sooltangos Achief executive officer (CEO) is, by definition the topmost officer in a business organisation, responsible for the proper execution of all operations. But this definition is restrictive because more importantly, he has a primordial task, requiring intelligence and foresight, which is the formulation of a strategy and obtaining the approval of [...]

Turning around loss-making businesses

2023-06-27T16:29:07+04:00June 27th, 2023|Commerce, Finance|

By Mubarak Sooltangos The turning around of a company with dwindling or complete loss of profitability is very often beyond the capacity of the normal business driver, otherwise he would have taken timely steps to prevent the downturn. This turn around and salvaging operation is often entrusted to consultant firms. Consultants with an accounting [...]

L’entrepreneuriat féminin sans parité

2023-04-10T10:37:13+04:00April 10th, 2023|Commerce, Economy|

Par Eric Ng Ping Cheun Par entrepreneuriat féminin, on entend une entreprise possédée et dirigée par une femme qui détient la majorité de son capital et qui en assume la direction. La position des femmes entrepreneurs est spécifique : elles doivent assumer le fait d’être une femme et le fait de diriger une entreprise. [...]

Conditions favorables du marché du sucre

2023-04-10T10:16:21+04:00April 10th, 2023|Commerce, Economy|

Par Devesh Dukhira Les conditions du marché du sucre sont actuellement favorables. Les prix sont soutenus par une hausse générale de prix des commodités agricoles à l’échelle mondiale et, en Europe en particulier, par une production moindre du sucre de betterave en 2022 et aussi par une hausse importante de leurs coûts de production, [...]

Key challenges of the Mauritian economy

2023-04-10T09:47:37+04:00April 10th, 2023|Commerce, Economy|

By Namita Hardowar Although the global economic environment remains challenging, some headwinds, such as energy, commodity and freight prices, have begun to subside. China’s reopening has also fuelled growth optimism for 2023. Global growth is projected to reach 1.7% in 2023 and 2.7% in 2024.  This will however be highly dependent on the pace [...]

The right architecture for flexible inflation targeting

2023-02-21T13:39:24+04:00February 21st, 2023|Commerce, Economy|

By Sameer Sharma Central banks globally have been moving towards some form of inflation targeting, be it fixed or flexible, while another select grouping have maintained other frameworks such as exchange rate targeting or monetary targeting. Central banks which follow monetary targeting have become increasingly rare given the crudeness of such an approach, as [...]

Potential impacts of the Mauritius-China Free Trade Agreement

2023-02-15T15:45:52+04:00February 15th, 2023|Commerce, Economy|

By Vinaye Ancharaz The Mauritius-China Free Trade Agreement (MCFTA), signed in October 2019, entered into force on January 1, 2021. In theory, it represents a major opportunity for Mauritian exporters and investors to penetrate the large yet elusive Chinese market. In practice, Mauritius’ exports to China are negligible, and survey findings suggest that exporters [...]

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